
My poor, dead scale…

Okay, so I’ve been working towards a healthier me. Silently, because, well… when you fail and you’re the only one who knows, that’s bad enough. When you fail and the blogosphere has it recorded for all to see… that’s a lot harder to cope with.

I’ve been wanting to get up on the scale. While I’m not yet back to counting Points, and still want to be, I have been making - overall - much better choices, which is, in some ways, more important. I’m trying to eliminate all high fructose corn syrup out of my diet. I think there is some in the ketchup (Heinz), but I’ve tried Organic ketchup and it’s one of the few organic products I will never take to. Blech. But really, how much ketchup do I use? So if that’s the *one* thing I eat w/ HFCS in it, so be it.

The real challenge is trying not to replace sugary stuff with artificially sweetened items. I despise Splenda, as my faithful readers already know, and NutraSweet is generally considered a no-no if I do ever get pregnant, so I’m weaning myself off it. I’m still drinking Crystal Light, but I could live without it. It’s just a good way for me to get in enough water. I’ve swatched for “all natural” or organic wherever reasonable to do so. I know that doesn’t make stuff “light” or even necessarily “good” for me, but it’s still better. If I am going to eat a cookie, I’d rather be eating one that’s not seriously refined and fatty. I found the Kashi cookies (TLC) and tried the Oatmeal Dark Chocolate. They aren’t for everyone (my hub hated them), but they are still pretty good. Oh, that’s another change I’ve made… I used to hate dark chocolate, but in light of recent developments regarding its health benefits over milk, I’ve discovered it’s actually good. I’ll probably never prefer it, but it gets the job done and I am seriously unlikely to ever binge on Special Dark. I have discovered Cocoa Via’s milk chocolate, but haven’t tasted them yet. I also found Hershey’s whole bean milk chocolate, which has antioxidants, too. The point is, I’ve even given my chocolate a makeover. I’ve switched to types I am far less likely to binge on (I’ve learned to never rule out a binge on anything in this long, twisted road with my eating issues).

Anyway… the moral of the story is, during the move, my beloved Jenny Craig scale seems to have been damaged. I don’t know if it’s just that maybe something was pressing on it and killed the batteries (though it’s supposed to go off on it’s own after a few seconds, so that’s not the most logical assumption). I’m going to try to get new batteries this weekend or next and see if that fixes it. If not, I’ll have to replace it.